Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm too lazy to go all the way downstairs and get the camera to post pics but wanted to post a quick blog since it's been over a month! I have been trying to take the kids out "adventuring" more now that they are all big enough and the weather is beginning to dry out (I think mother nature forgot we are southwest desert with all the moisture we have been having!). The last two adventures were hiking the Diamond Valley Volcano and touring the Bloomington Caves.

I am not sure that anyone should attempt to climb straight up the volcano instead of taking the path! I made a mistake of letting the boys lead the way and we somehow wound up heading straight up a mass of tiny volcanic pebbles the process was terribly slow as I would step up 8-10 inches and slide down 6-8 inches - slow going to say the least! finally we made it to some shaded snow and got some traction - then the fun of going down! Although it was a fun afternoon with the boys I can safely say next time around we will be sticking to the trails!

The Bloomington caves was a wild experience! It has been several years since I ventured to them, before life with kids anyway and I had forgotten how tricky it can be. While fun to take the kids down and let them wander some of the larger pockets there are some really tricky paths (more like tiny crevices to squeeze through). Adding a picnic lunch made the day disappear and while the boys can't wait to come again I think I will be waiting until I find a pair of knee pads - there is a lot of crawling involved when it comes to caving!

I will post some pictures next time!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I inspired you to do a new post right:) and you gave the blog some decoration! I'm impressed! It looks great. You rock at this game!